Understanding and Helping to Prevent Vector-Born Diseases Through Education and Engagement

What We Do:

Our programs provide vector-borne disease information for specialized audiences in “train-the-trainer” formats customized for the audience’s needs.

This is provided free of charge to key organizations whose members have told us they need help in teaching their patients and others about disease symptoms, treatment and disease avoidance.

We work closely with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and medical professionals to assure that our information is current, accurate, and evidence-based.

• Provide speakers (MDs and other experts) for annual professional meetings for public health and healthcare-related organizations

• Support CE education (in person and online) for public health professionals and healthcare providers

• Conduct train-the-trainer events on state-wide and national levels

• Train employees and others who work outside in endemic areas

• Provide travel medicine guidance for avoiding vector-borne diseases

• Collaborate with vector-control organizations to educate their personnel

• Provide printed and online educational materials for patients, colleagues, community leaders and others

Reaching Out To:

Medical professionals
Public health professionals
Faith-based and community leaders
Private and public sector employers
Elected officials and other decision-makers
Vector control organization

Our Programs:

  • Emphasis to date on nurse practitioners, school nurses, pediatric nurse practitioners, and physician assistants because they spend face-to-face time with patients.
    • 2021 will include outreach to pediatricians, family practice physicians
  • School nurses’ national and state annual meetings
  • Annual meetings national, regional and state organizations
    engaged in environmental health and vector control.

    • Presentations in person or online that offer are approved for Continuing Education credits FREE to the trainee
    • Support of and collaboration with organizations for proper vector-borne disease online CE training course development

Partner with faith-based and community leaders in English-as-second-language communities to provide age and education appropriate information on vector-borne diseases of concern in the U.S. and in endemic home countries. Events in Florida, Texas and California have allowed evaluations of outreach efforts that work. Surveys of these populations show real need among those at greatest risk.

Provide private and public sector employers with in-house programs to educate employees who may be exposed to vector-borne diseases in their work activities, business travel, or recreational pursuits in endemic areas.

Topics include:

  • Where the risks are
  • Symptoms and CDC treatment recommendations
  • Prevention strategies. Many vector-borne diseases have no vaccine or cure, so prevention of mosquito (and many) tick bites is the only
    option. We discuss clothing, vector behavior and avoidance, habitats and landscape modifications, and proper use of EPA-registered repellents.
    Our presentations are non-branded.
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Our content does not constitute a medical consultation. See a certified medical health professional for diagnosis and treatment.
